Sounds of Edenderry – Ireland

Sounds of Edenderry – Ireland
International Programme
Music workshop with Seonaid Murray as part of the Sound and Wellness Festival 2023.
The themes for this festival are ‘ Exploring the use of Sound for Wellbeing’ and ‘Connecting People and Spaces through Sound’.
Come along and explore the Sounds, History and Culture of Edenderry!
Experience and connect in with the sounds of your place.
Tuesday 16th May
The Parish Centre, Edenderry
2 pm to 4 pm

Seonaid Murray is a Community Musician with over 15 years of experience in working with a wide range of Community and Voluntary Groups, in schools, education and care settings. Seonaid studied English Literature and Music at Bath Spa University and Community Music at The Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at The University of Limerick. She is a Saxophonist and Pianist and her main ethos is to encourage people to express themselves through Music in a safe, positive environment.
Seonaid is also currently the ‘Creative Places, Edenderry Co-ordinator’ working for Creative Lives.